¡Buenos días!
Nueva semana chicas! Esperemos que haga solecito y nos alegre los días :)
Hoy podréis ver un outfit nuevo pero antes queríamos dejaros información de la iniciativa de Mango para todas nosotras! Lo han llamado "Mango Street" y se trata de hacer aquellos que a todas nos apasiona...mostrar nuestros mejores looks! Y lo mejor, viene con regalo incluido! :)
Es sencillo y rápido, sin mucho trámite de por medio. Abajo os dejamos los pasos que tenéis que seguir pero os lo ponemos de nuevo por si acaso:
- Compraros alguna prenda de la temporada Otoño-Invierno 2012.
- Crear un outfit, haceros una foto y subirla!
- Si eres finalista, 100€. Si eres ganadora, 500€.
¿Suculento? Venga chicas, a participar!
¡Feliz lunes!
Good morning!
New week girls! Hopefully be sunny days:)
Today you can see a new outfit but we wanted to give you information about Mango initiative! They called it "Mango Street" and is about to make those we love ... show all our best looks! And the best is, it comes with gift included! :)
It is easy and fast, without much formality involved. Below we leave the steps you have to follow but I put it back again:
New week girls! Hopefully be sunny days:)
Today you can see a new outfit but we wanted to give you information about Mango initiative! They called it "Mango Street" and is about to make those we love ... show all our best looks! And the best is, it comes with gift included! :)
It is easy and fast, without much formality involved. Below we leave the steps you have to follow but I put it back again:
- Buy clothes of the Autumn-Winter 2012.
- Create an outfit, take a picture and upload it!
- If you are a finalist, € 100. If you're the winner, 500 €.
Come on girls, to participate!
- Create an outfit, take a picture and upload it!
- If you are a finalist, € 100. If you're the winner, 500 €.
Come on girls, to participate!
¡Happy Monday!
Daily Life
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