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Durante mucho tiempo, hemos pasado minutos y minutos en escoger qué ponernos día a día, que complementos elegir o qué bolso encajaría más con ese look. No nos hemos podido resistir a pasar por delante de los pequeños rincones del señor Amancio Ortega sin entrar y conseguir alguna nueva adquisición, nos deleitamos con los “new in” de las webs de nuestras marcas favoritas porqué el resto nos lo sabemos de memoria.  Creemos en las tendencias a pie de calle, conseguir las mejores combinaciones rebuscando en nuestros armarios aprendiendo a combinar las novedades con nuestras prendas más antiguas. A veces es un gran reto saber sacarle partido a algo que siempre pensaste que nunca volverías a ponerte. La moda es impresionantemente fantástica precisamente por todo esto; cada uno la vive a su manera. Te permite expresarte y crear tu propio estilo, sin necesidad de gastarse fortunas. Cada uno entiende las tendencias a su manera y eso es precisamente lo maravilloso, descubrir y aprender continuamente. Poner el mundo bajo tus tacones nuevos, y utilizar tus maxi gafas de sol para ver las cosas a tu manera, be fashion in you Daily Life.

For a long time we have spent minutes and minutes to choose what to wear every day, which supplements to choose or which bag would fit more with this look. We have not been able to resist passing in front of the small corners of Mr. Amancio Ortega without going and getting a new acquisition, we enjoyed the "new in" of the websites of our favorite brands why the rest of us know by heart. We believe in trends at street level, the very best combinations rummaging through our closets learning to combine news with our oldest clothes. Sometimes it is a challenge to know take advantage of something you always thought that you would never put you. Fashion is impressively fantastic precisely this, each one lives in his own way. It allows you to express yourself and create your own style, without spending fortunes. Everyone understands the trends in their own way and that is precisely how wonderful, discover and learn continuously. Put the world in your new heels, and use your sunglasses to see things your way, you be fashion in Daily Life.

Daily Life

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